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Agreement That Balanced the Admission of

Agreement That Balanced the Admission of Students into Public Universities

In recent years, there has been a debate about the admission process in public universities, especially on affirmative action and diversity. The issue has been a hot topic in the United States, with many arguing that the current admission policies are unfair and discriminatory. However, in 2003, a landmark agreement was reached that balanced the admission of students into public universities.

This agreement was made in the case of Grutter v. Bollinger, where the University of Michigan Law School was accused of discrimination against a white applicant, Barbara Grutter. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where the court ruled in favor of the University, stating that race could be considered as one of many factors in the admission process.

The court also acknowledged that diversity was a compelling state interest and that the University`s admission policies were narrowly tailored to achieve that interest. This ruling laid the foundation for affirmative action policies in public universities and paved the way for a more inclusive and diverse student body.

The agreement that came out of this case was crucial because it balanced the admission process, ensuring that race was not the sole determining factor in the selection of students. It allowed universities to consider other factors such as academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and socioeconomic background when making admission decisions.

The agreement ensured that students from underrepresented groups such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, had a fair chance of gaining admission into public universities. It also helped to bridge the gap between different races and cultures and made campuses more inclusive and welcoming.

The agreement is not just important for students but for society as a whole. When universities are diverse, it fosters greater understanding, empathy, and tolerance among people of different races, cultures, and backgrounds. It also prepares students for the real world, where diversity is essential for success in any field or industry.

In conclusion, the agreement that balanced the admission of students into public universities was a critical turning point in the fight for diversity and inclusivity. It ensured that universities could consider multiple factors when selecting students, and race was not the sole determining factor. The agreement has created more opportunities for underrepresented groups and made public universities more welcoming and inclusive. It is an essential step towards building a fair and just society that values diversity and inclusivity.