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Portfolio Extended Service Contract

As a freelance writer or graphic designer, building a solid portfolio of work is essential to attract and retain clients. Once a client has hired you to work on a project, you may want to consider offering a portfolio extended service contract. This type of contract allows you to continue to work with the client on an ongoing basis, even after the initial project is complete.

A portfolio extended service contract is a way for you to offer additional services to your clients beyond the initial project. This type of contract may include services such as ongoing website maintenance, social media management, or content creation. It provides an opportunity for you to continue working with clients who have already trusted you with their initial project, and who may be interested in additional services.

When creating a portfolio extended service contract, there are several key points you should consider. First, you should clearly outline the services that will be included in the contract. This will help to avoid confusion and ensure that both you and the client are on the same page about what services will be provided.

You should also detail the pricing structure for the extended services. This can be done in a number of ways, such as charging hourly, offering a monthly retainer fee, or pricing each service individually. Be sure to be upfront about the costs, so that the client can make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the contract.

Another important consideration is the duration of the contract. Some clients may be interested in a short-term contract, while others may want a longer-term commitment. You should be prepared to discuss options and be flexible in your approach.

In addition to outlining the services and pricing, you should also include any relevant terms and conditions in the contract. This may include things like payment terms, deadlines, and expectations for communication.

There are many benefits to offering a portfolio extended service contract. It can help to build long-term relationships with clients and provide a steady stream of work. It also allows you to showcase your expertise in a variety of areas and expand your skillset over time.

In summary, a portfolio extended service contract is a great way for freelance writers and graphic designers to continue working with clients beyond the initial project. By clearly outlining the services, pricing, duration, and terms and conditions, you can create a mutually beneficial agreement that helps both you and the client achieve your goals.